Habits to Improve Your University Productivity

Belle Sim
5 min readMay 22, 2021

I am Belle and am currently an undergraduate in the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) and majoring in Information and Communications (Software Engineering). I live in the ☀️ sunny city☀️ Singapore.

University has a different setting with polytechnic because it focuses on independent and hands-on learning (at least for SIT). SIT goes on a trimester basis, this essentially means that we have to clear a semester worth of modules within three months. Sounds difficult right?

Gradually, I got used to the pace of studying in SIT with a few relatively good habits that I incorporated into my daily routine. My advice would be to make your habits into a routine so that it becomes so natural and you don’t think even before doing it. It’s just like brushing your teeth, you don’t think twice before brushing because you have to do it, else you get bad breath 🦠.

👩‍🎓 Pro Tip #1

📃 Create a Personalised Daily Schedule

There are two types of schedule — Microplanning and Macroplanning. So what is the difference between these two?

  • Mircoplanning means planning in great detail such as breaking down your daily schedule into specific timings.
  • Macroplanning means planning at a higher level without much details. You can see it as a daily to-do list.
Macroplanning vs Microplanning
Macroplanning vs Microplanning

Personally, I like to plan my schedules using the microplanning method as it helps me to have a clear idea of what is to be done at a certain hourly interval. I follow an hour of revision and 10 minutes break time method. However, if you find this method difficult and hard to adopt, macroplanning will work as well.

🔧 Tools used: Apple Notes

👩‍🎓 Pro Tip #2

🗓 Make Use of Calendars

Before the start of my school term, I will manually enter my lessons in my own calendar (if your school portal allows direct synchronisation, you do not have to do it manually). By doing so, it does give you clear visuals on how to manage and allocate your time efficiently.

It is also important to check the module schedule such as projects, assignments, quizzes deadlines for the term before you deep dive into school.

Apple Calendar
Apple Calendar

Creating tags for specific things is probably the best feature in a calendar. In my case, I created the tags according to my module codes, university(for non-academic related events) friends, family, personal.

🔧 Tools used: Apple Calendar, Google Calendar

💁‍♀️ PRO PRO TIP: If you are an iPhone user, you can create calendar widgets on your home screen.

👩‍🎓 Pro Tip #3

✏️ Note-Taking (well, this works really well even if you don’t own an iPad)

Note-taking is the biggest and most important part of university, even if you are majoring in tech because the lecture materials given are not as concise. I found out a note-taking method, known as Cornell Notes System (Notion) and the template is available on Notion or you can handwrite it.

Cornell Notes System uses 2 major elements — Recall and Notes. It is a way to ask yourself multiple questions and tagging them with point-form answers. This is effective as it helps to condense your notes.

👩‍🎓 Pro Tip #4

📚 Revision

I make use of Notion and the dashboard for each module will show me the module schedule where it includes a clear breakdown on what are the topics covered weekly and assignments/projects and module content.

Module Schedule
Module Schedule
Module Content
Module Content

Spaced repetition is a highly efficient way for revision as it involved spacing your revision by active recall at specific intervals. It is as if doing something over and over again till it gets ingrained into your brain. However, I have not fully utilised this method as I am not used to it and I found out about this only mid-way into my term. Other than this, the others are still easy and doable!

💁‍♀️ PRO PRO TIP: You can make use of something called Toggle on Notion while taking your notes for revision. It helps to collapse your notes into one master toggle.

🔧 Tools used: Notion

👩‍🎓 Pro Tip #5

Maximise your Productivity with Additional Helpers

☕️ Coffee

Prior to university, I did not have the habit of drinking coffee but I really needed that boost of energy during revision. Frankly, I can go up. to 3 coffees ( 🚫 not recommended) per day if I am feeling really lethargic. I would recommend the 3-in-1 coffee from Old Town Coffee, Hazelnut flavour. Hands down, the best 3-in-1 coffee and it tastes the closest to Starbucks.

🌲 Forest App

This is probably one of the few paid applications I ever purchased but I must admit it is very addictive and helpful. You can plant trees while revising and if you attempt to use your phone your tree will die. You might think it sounds lame but trust me, I thought so too.

How does it work?

  • Set the amount of time you want to focus
  • Choose your plant
  • Do not exit the application

You can even plant with your friends or a community and buy new plants 🌲 with the coins you earned from focusing!

Forest App
Forest App

I am no guru but these are some tips that really helped me throughout university to stay disciplined and grounded. It is almost impossible to have a good 8 hours of sleep in university because there is an endless pile of work waiting for you.

However, it is possible to manage your time properly to have ample time to revise and clear necessary topics. I am still learning on how to maximise my productivity because what I am lacking is a balance between school and life. Most importantly, it is always important to start your day right, it can be as simple as having a healthy breakfast or exercising or just simply taking short walks around your house before you deep dive into your revision.

Free to share any tips you have with me!



Belle Sim

A tech enthusiast living in the sunny city, Singapore🌾